LNG import 0 years presence dependence on the Middle East small ...

The situation in the Middle East, which fluctuate in US ...

LNG import 0 years presence dependence on the Middle East small ... Response to the Iran of the attack, Israeli forces retaliatory attack Because Iran has fired about 0 rockets from Syria territory to Israel occupied territory the Golan Heights, the Israeli army announced that it had bombed a military base for Iran's elite troops in the Syria as 0 days retaliation [Revolutionary Guards] . As the counter by Israel Iran attack, the largest in recent years. Tension between Israel and Iran to be hostile to each other is further intensified, there is a growing concern of a full-fledged military conflict. Iida) about this e-mail also has got a lot. Adachi-ku [Masao] is from Mr. [North Korea the United States in backing the China, we are trying to challenge Trump President, I think that does not seem to let go of nuclear weapons for the system maintenance. On the other hand, the Middle East of Iran and Israel, Saudi movement is also worrisome. Then [Seto Yunagi] is from san as soon as you declare a withdrawal [from the United States is Iran's nuclear agreement, Iran and Israel have started to dispute the stage Syria.