LNG import 0 years presence dependence on the Middle East small ...

Kurdish that holds the key to the situation in the Middle ...

LNG import 0 years presence dependence on the Middle East small ... Kurdish that holds the key to the situation in the Middle East stabilization to confusion Importance reconsideration of Kurdish forces In Syria the interests of the external powers and neighboring countries is complicated, a Kurdish force that has increased its presence. Kurdish is the Middle East's largest ethnic groups that do not have a country, Iraq, Iran, Syria, residing across Turkey. For the Kurds that the long-cherished wish to have their own country, the Syrian civil war was a great opportunity. Especially Syria of the Democratic Unionist Party (PYD) and the People's Defense Corps is the military department (YPG), as well as earn the trust of the United States by drove the Islamic countries] in the battle of Kobani, also the relationship between the Assad regime for which was good, interest is consistent with Russia. PYD / YPG is such as to declare the [federal] of Syria to 0 years, it has increased its influence. However, diplomacy is also an academic level in Japan, analysis of Kurdish in the business level has not been nearly accumulation.